Social Media Marketing Hacks

The University of Minnesota’s Pinterest study found the 3 main Pinterest factors…

Study: 10x more opt-ins into free trials with this simple change

Color visuals increase people’s willingness to read a piece of content by 80%. 3 more facts…

+10% more signups (easy-to-apply study)

Neil Patel did this popular mistake and his sharing rate went down by 29%

TrackMaven analyzed 6 million Instagram posts to determine TOP 5 filters that drive the most engagement…

+250% more organic traffic (easy SEO technique)

TOP 10 most effective marketing tactics for B2B by The Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs…

How they were able to generate 29x more leads…

Mike Bonadio boosted his email outreach rate 2.5 times through this 2-step email outreach formula

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