When your ad’s claim stops generating revenue, check out these 5 levels of ‘how to sell’ to boost your sales

When the claim in your advertisement is no longer bringing in money, try one of these 5 methods of “how to sell” to kickstart your business again.

Imagine you are in the business of selling rice.

First-tier, non-competitive status.
A catchy slogan like “Fill yourself up with MY rice” can help you sell.

On the second tier, all the rice sellers make the same elementary promises.
You should go all the way with your boast: “MY rice is twice as filling.”

level 3 :No one on believes bold statements.
Use phrases like “I grew MY rice using a special, 3-step irrigation system” to promote your one-of-a-kind method.

Fourth-level: Every product on the market operates in its own special way.
Push your most original and effective mechanism to its limits.

The fifth level, wherein novel methods and radical advantages are labelled as spam.
Use a catchphrase like “Rice for monks” to show that you understand your target market.


Source: copymonk.com

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