Larry Kim amplified his viral post via PPC and achieved 10 million views + 10,000 press pick-ups!

Larry Kim, a well-known digital marketing expert, created an image that creatively compared the effectiveness of Facebook Ads to Google Display Ads. This image resonated with audiences on a massive scale, amassing over 10 million views and being featured in 10,000 news outlets. This viral success wasn’t just luck—it was the result of a deliberate strategy that he often shares with marketers looking to achieve similar results.

Larry Kim’s Super-Simple Recipe for Going Viral:

  1. High Volume of Content Creation: Larry emphasizes the importance of quantity in content creation. Out of every 50 posts he creates, typically only one achieves viral popularity. To ensure he has enough material to identify potential hits, he consistently produces 50 new pieces of content every three months. This rigorous output provides a solid foundation for experimentation and discovery.
  2. Monitoring Initial Engagement: The key to identifying a viral post lies in closely tracking audience reactions to newly published content. Larry monitors the initial response to each post, paying attention to how often it is shared, liked, or commented on. This data helps him pinpoint the content that is naturally gaining traction and resonating with his audience.
  3. Amplifying the Winner: Once he identifies a piece of content that is performing exceptionally well organically, Larry leverages paid advertising to supercharge its reach. Using highly targeted Facebook Ads and Google AdWords campaigns, he ensures the content reaches the right audience segments, amplifying its viral potential. This strategic use of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising boosts the content’s visibility, turning an already popular post into a viral sensation.

Larry’s method underscores the value of combining creativity, data-driven decision-making, and strategic advertising. By systematically testing, monitoring, and amplifying content, he maximizes the chances of achieving viral success while maintaining a clear and efficient process. This approach has made him a leader in the digital marketing world and a go-to source for actionable insights on content virality.

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