You are aware that one of the cornerstones of your long-term success is customer service.
But how do you distinguish yourself from the competition and show that you offer a calibre of service that nobody even knew was possible?
What Nextiva did is as follows:
When a consumer contacts them with a question (through social media, email, the company website, etc.), they personally answer it in a YouTube video.
Ha? 🙂
How would you react if you got a video like that? 🙂
Would you want to be one of the 68% of consumers who left a business because they felt that they were unimportant? 😉
These recordings can then be used as evidence of how much they value their clients.
I was selecting a hosting company for my new blog a week ago.
In the top five list, I had to decide between #1 and #4.
I was prepared to use option #1. But I went with option #4.
I inquired about both businesses.
I was astounded at #4’s amount of support.