How RocketMemory increased opt-ins by +271% while maintaining the same number of form fields

Opt-in conversion rates for RocketMemory were low, at 5.15%.

However, they were unable to lessen the number of fields in their form.


They requested your first name, email address, age, gender, and Do you attend school? yes/no + Do you attend classes or pursue studies? yes/no


The improvements they made led to a 271% (more than quadruple!) rise in signups.


What they did was this:

The flow was divided into four micro-commitment steps:


Would you like to receive memory strategies tailored particularly to what you’re studying? is the first step. Yes/No


Second step: “Are you a guy or a woman?” with two answers


Which of the following best characterises you? (Step #3) 4 choices are available.


Where Should I Send Your Personalized Memory Tips?, the fourth step: your name and email address.


They requested the same information in 4 distinct steps, as you can see.


Amazingly, there have been over three times as many opt-ins.



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