Did you know that 67.55% of apps get discovered through search. More insightful data…

According to data compiled by TUNE, search is responsible for the discovery of 67.55 percent of apps.

Why do people get app updates?
+ Detailed mission: 23.6% [general query downloads: 89.72]
+ WOM: 20.84% [s.d.: 80.59%]
+ Ad: 15.41% [s.d.: 50.93%]
+ 14.22% [s.d. 34.45%] in the top charts

Icon, title, and description optimisation: getting the most out of search results.

Put it through an A/B test first:
Advertisements found in (1) Google Play and (2) the App Store (this fall).

Source: https://www.tune.com/blog/new-white-paper-the-state-of-app-discovery-in-2015/

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