A 21% industry-wide share (B2B study)

B2B is difficult. B2B case studies are hard to come by.

Do you know what is most difficult?

When your B2B company provides services to many industries In the case of SAP, 19 industries.


These are the outcomes that the SAP team was able to obtain for this investigation:


  1. a 21% industry-wide voice share (the target was 10%);
  2. $3,675,000 was the marketing generated opportunities (MGO) total.


The following are the main lessons learned from how they did it:


  1. They didn’t design a campaign that would work for all industries; instead, they concentrated on one industry before moving on to another campaign for another sector, etc.


  1. From the viewpoint of each individual customer, each campaign was tailored.


  1. They were communicating with potential clients and customers in their own tongue.


  1. Here are the platforms and content categories they employed to draw in their audience:

4.1. specialised whitepapers

4.2. infographics for the executive summary.

4.3. infographics with use cases.

4.4. Whitepapers in video

4.5. presentations for executives

4.6. Videos like to TED Talks where business leaders support their core thesis

4.7. a survey that is tailored to the industry

4.8. 10 blog entries per industry are published on LinkedIn, Forbes, and the Digitalist.

4.9. Email advertising

4.10. 5 tweet cards for each industry

4.11. specialised forums

4.12. Outbound and follow-up calls from responders

4.13. landing pages for a digital hub


Source: marketingsherpa.com

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