One stupid-simple trick to DOUBLE your social sharing in 10 minutes [Twitter vs WhatsApp vs Facebook vs Slack]

I’ve just begun keeping tabs on where exactly the wonderful people that make up the GrowthHackingIdeas community are posting their growth hacks.
The results were very surprising to me.
Over the course of a week, over 75,000 emails were sent and used in this study.

Email: [difficult to trace technically]
Twitter: 6.11 percent
Messenger Apps: 8.73%
39% of Facebook users
Slack: 45.85% (OMG!) 🙂

The amount of shares on GrowthHackingIdea practically DOUBLED once a “Share via Slack” button was added.
However, there was a problem integrating this button. To explain the free service I used and the easy approach I used to make the button function, I penned a brief article.



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