How can you get through a block in your creativity? View these 60K Facebook Ad samples from various industries.

Running into a creative block for your next Facebook ad A/B test? 🧠💥 No worries, I got you!

Quick Fix: Check out top-performing ads for inspiration at AdEspresso’s Ad Examples. 🔍 You can sort by metrics, industry, and more to find ads with high engagement. 🚀

Learn from the Best: Look at the ads with the highest interaction rates. If businesses are spending big bucks on them, there’s a reason! 💸👀

Avoid This Common Pitfall: 🚫🛑

MECLABS’ Experiment:

They simplified their checkout by offering only a monthly subscription plan instead of multiple options (1 month, 6 months, annual). Result? Sales dropped by 40%! 📉

Why Did This Happen?

  1. Emotional Response: Customers often rebel against feeling pushed to choose one option. Giving them a choice can make them feel more in control. ✨
  2. Anchor Price: Offering multiple price points allows customers to compare and choose what feels like the best value. With just one price, there’s no comparison. 🏷️


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