9 slide decks uploaded on Slideshare resulted in 243k views in 30 days. Here are the instructions for you.

Did you know that of Slideshare’s 70 million monthly visitors, over 80 percent are direct results from keyword searches?

Ana from Traffic Generation Café shared 9 PowerPoint presentations, which received 243k views in just 30 days.
The single Slideshare presentation by Eugene Cheng received over 2 million views.
Tips on how to get your hands on some of that:

1.Create a presentation on SlideShare based on your most-read blog post.
2.The majority of Slideshare viewers like short presentations (10-30 slides, >90pt font size).
3.let your CTA appear both early and late in your deck. HubSpot discovered that the last slide receives half of the total clicks.
4.Using Twitter as a promotional tool for the deck’s free download.


Source: neilpatel.com


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